Client Information

Please note that is it REQUIRED for new clients to fill out our new client form before your appointment as well as signing our service agreement, Thank You!


How is your shop different from other grooming shops?

The Fairy Dogmother, LLC is a by appointment, straight through grooming based shop. That means, like a human hairdresser, we book appointments based on how much time that dog should take from start to finish. We do not offer a traditional crate for your dog to wait in, instead we offer large gated “kennels” to give your pup ample room to lie down when they are done. We also do not offer “kennel drying” where your dog is placed in a gated area or crate and dried passively, instead when your pup gets dropped off they go straight into the tub to get bathed, then onto the table to get blow dried by hand and finished. We do this so our equipment is only used on clean hair to minimize wear and tear and because it is most efficient for our style of grooming. The only exception to our process is if a dog is getting a drastic haircut and we can cut down on the amount of time drying by “pre clipping” or cutting off the hair before the bath.


Do you also offer daycare or boarding?

We are a grooming only salon and do not have the staff or space to offer daycare or boarding. Because we have limited space we ask that clients come back within 1 hour of being notified that their dog is done to pick up.


How long will my dog be there?

The length of time depends on the size and amount of hair on the dog – bigger dogs and dogs with more hair or longer hair will take more time than smaller dogs with shorter hair. Our average time spent on a dog is between 60-90 minutes, with our giant breeds averaging 2-3 hours. Of course this also depends on the condition the dog comes in – a newfoundland who hasn’t been groomed in a long time and has a lot of packed in undercoat is going to take longer than one who comes regularly every month. Because our process is fast and we stack our appointments after each other we give our clients no more than 1 hour to come back and pick up their pup. This leaves us with enough room to house the dogs currently under our care.


What kind of haircuts are you able to do?

Our groomers are highly trained to do breed standard patterns (ie. schnauzers, west highland white terriers, airedales), poodle haircuts (clean face, top knot, clean feet, bracelets, poms) and any custom mixed breed cut our clients would like. A popular cut amongst our double coated clientele is the “outline trim” where we clean up the feathering and edges of the coat but don’t cut into the beautiful body of the coat thus maintaining the integrity of the guard hairs.


If you have a poodle mix please note that popular phrases like “puppy cut”, “teddy bear cut” and “short but not shaved”  are misnomers – it’s similar to going to a human hairdresser and asking for a “women’s cut” – it just doesn’t give us enough information to be able to do the haircut you are looking for with your specific dog’s hair type. The best thing to do if you have a specific look in mind is bring us pictures! Look on google, pinterest and instagram for some haircuts that you really like and bring us 2-3 so we can have some idea as to what you are looking for with your dog.


We want our clients to be aware that any haircut is dependent on each dog’s individual coat type, the dog’s behavior they exhibit in the grooming setting and the condition the dog comes to us in.


My dog is matted, can you help?

Our groomers are trained to safely and properly remove painful matts from our fluffy clients. If your dog becomes matted we do have some options depending on the severity of the matting:

  • Level 1: If there are tangles or impacted hair but not felted matts we will most likely be able to brush those tangles or hair out depending on the severity of tangles and how your pup tolerates the brushing and removal of the tangles. This may take us more time to complete and that can add to your final grooming bill.

  • Level 2: If there are specific places on your pup that have matting (ie. behind the ears, under the tail, between the toes) we may be able to shave those spots out and leave the majority of the coat intact.

  • Level 3: If your dog has matting covering the majority of their coat we may find it in the best interest for the health of the dog and the coat to take the coat down significantly – this may mean your pup has to be shaved with our shortest finishing blade that leaves a ⅛” amount of hair on their body. The length we can leave on your pup depends on how tight the matting is and how your pup tolerates the removal of such matts.

  • Level 4: If your dog is “felted” meaning the matting in their coat is widespread and tight to the skin, we will find it in the best interest for the health of the dog and the coat to completely shave the coat off using our closest blade if necessary.

Please note that matting happens! The best way to prevent your pup becoming matted is to get the best grooming tools for their coat type and create an at home maintenance schedule of brushing and combing OR bring your pup to get groomed more often so we can help prevent any tangles from becoming matting.


Matting is a health hazard and can harbor skin infections, irritants next to the skin, feces and urine burns, bruising, heat exhaustion and other health issues. Removal of matting, even with our safety practices and years of training, can cause irritation of the skin, behavioral changes and sometimes cuts on the skin if the matting is extreme. If a dog’s condition is beyond what our groomers can safely remove we will recommend the client visit a veterinarian to remove the matts from the dog in a sterile and safe environment.


What time should I drop my dog off for his appointment?

We highly recommend showing up 5-10 minutes prior to your dog’s appointment time as this allows us to get you checked in and gives your groomer time to go over how you’d like your dog’s hair to be cut that day.


How much will it cost to get my dog groomed?

Our pricing structure is based primarily on how much time we are spending on the dog. Things that will decrease the price of your groom are:

  • Keeping your dog on a regular schedule. The more often a dog comes the easier they are to maintain for your groomer and the faster we can work on them.

  • Doing at home maintenance. If you brush your dog properly and regularly at home, there’s less chance that they will be matted or have a compacted undercoat which takes quite a bit of time to shave or work out.

  • Choosing a hairstyle that is simple and easy to maintain. Longer haircuts take more time – just like human hairdressers will tell you. More complex haircuts like breed standard poodle cuts with a top knot, clean face and feet also take more time than cutting the same length of hair all over.

Please see our Services page for more information.


Who will be grooming my dog?

We strive to create a team atmosphere at our shop which means we work together on dogs and often share dogs between our groomers. All of our groomers are highly trained professionals in our industry and provide the best possible service for you and your pup. Your pup will be groomed by one of our professional groomers, please see our About page for more information about our groomers.


I have a new puppy, when should I start getting her groomed?

Puppies thrive off repetition and proper training – we HIGHLY recommend getting your pup started as soon as 10-12 weeks if possible. We offer a “puppy pamper” package which is an introductory groom offered to dogs under 6 months of age. This includes a bath, blow dry and face, feet and sanitary trimming in order to get your pup used to the process and our facility. If you have just picked up a new puppy we recommend scheduling 2-3 puppy pampers before their first groom to get them comfortable with being handled, teach table manners and desensitize them to the grooming process. Here are some other good puppy grooming tricks:

  • Get your pup trained! Puppies who have solid control and training are going to be easier to train on the grooming table so get your pup into a puppy class as soon as you can!

  • Use an electric toothbrush at home and run it over your pup’s face, body and legs to simulate the feeling of the clipper.

  • Hold onto your pup’s chin hair and give them a treat when they hold still – groomer’s will often rest a dog’s head on their palm or gently hold the chin hair in order to keep a dog’s head still and safe while trimming the face and head.

  • Get your pup used to having their feet and nails handled by rubbing them, spreading their toes and picking them up and articulating them back and forth.


What will happen if I am late to an appointment?

If you know you are going to be late, call us! We appreciate our clients being in communication with us and letting us know what the situation is. Because we book our appointments back to back we have a specific amount of time scheduled for your dog and if you show up late that’s cutting into that amount of time. When a client does not show up to their appointment time we will try and contact them at 5 minutes past the time and we do have a late to appointment policy that states if you are more than 15 minutes late we may need to cancel your appointment and charge the no show fee (total price of the groom scheduled that day). Please familiarize yourself with our policies under our Policies and Procedures page.


What type of payments do you take?

We accept all major credit/debit cards, cash or checks.


I want to become a Fairy Dogmother, LLC client! How do I get an appointment?

We can’t wait to meet you and your pup! The first step is to call the salon at 2075361886 to discuss the service you would like and to make sure we are a good fit for your pup! After we set up a future appointment please fill out and print the new client form, if you do not have access to a printer we are more than happy to give you a hard copy at drop off. Please be sure to read and review all policies pre-appointment!


  • Dogs who are on a routine schedule of every 4-8 weeks, with some exceptions of 12 weeks depending on breed and coat condition.

  • Clients who are able to schedule 3 visits at a time up to 6 months in advance.

  • Clients who are willing and able to work with us and our recommendations in order to get their pup on the best grooming routine for their coat type, the amount of at home maintenance the client is willing to do and the aesthetic style the client wishes to maintain.

Shop Policies
By signing below, I hereby agree to the following statements, terms, and conditions:
1. To the best of my knowledge, my pet is not currently suffering from any contagious conditions, and if my pet starts to show symptoms of any contagious conditions, I will pick up my pet promptly (ASAP), and refrain from scheduling along with canceling any appointments until the symptoms subside. 2. If a staff member of The Fairy Dogmother discovers multiple fleas on my pet, I will immediately pick up my pet and agree to pay $50 cleaning/disinfecting fee. This policy ensures the safety of the other animals in the salon.
3. If my pet becomes injured or ill while under the care of the The Fairy Dogmother, all owners, employees, and independent contractors, have my permission to transport my pet to a veterinarian of FDM choosing. Including an Emergency Animal Hospital if necessary, and I agree to pay all costs associated with my pet medical care. PLEASE NOTE: We will always attempt to contact the pet owner and listed emergency contact as soon as possible.
4. Mats can be difficult to remove and may require the dog to be shaved. Removing a heavily matted coat can cause: nicks, cuts, or abrasions. Heavy matting can also trap moisture and urine near the dog’s skin, allowing mold and fungus or bacteria to grow, and/or revealing skin irritations that existed prior to the grooming process. After - effects of the mat removal can include: Itchiness, redness, self-inflicted irritations or abrasions and failure of hair to re-grow. In some cases, dogs may also exhibit brief behavioral changes. I hereby release The Fairy Dogmother, LLC from any Liability associated with any and all injuries or medical problems that may be uncovered and or occur during the stripping and de-matting process. Should my dog need veterinary care during or after the process of de-matting, I agree to pay all costs associated with such veterinary care and agree not to seek payment for such care from The Fairy Dogmother, LLC
5. At the conclusion of my pet’s appointment, I will promptly pick up my pet, unless alternate arrangements have been made with The Fairy Dogmother. If I fail to pick up my pet or contact The Fairy Dogmother, for an alternate arrangement and if I abandoned my pet; The Fairy Dogmother, LLC reserves the right to rehome my pet. PLEASE NOTE: We will only take these drastic steps if we cannot reach you and or emergency contact and your pet is left beyond shop hours.
6. Appointment Cancellation Policy: If my appointment is canceled within 24 hours prior to the scheduled appointment I will be subject to a cancellation fee of 50% of the service scheduled. If the appointment is canceled prior to 24 hours there will be no charge applied. If I cancel my appointment within 12 hours of the scheduled appointment, I will be subject to a cancellation fee of 100% of the service scheduled. It is important when contacting FDM to cancel or reschedule your appointment to give us the time and date you are reaching out so we can charge appropriately.
7. Late Appointment Policy: After a grace period of 5-10 minutes past the scheduled appointment time we will attempt to contact you. If you arrive late to your appointment and we are still able to accommodate your pets full service, you will be subject to a late fee of 1$/per minute. If you are more than 10 minutes late, we may only be able to accommodate a partial service for your pet. In which case only the full amount of the scheduled appointment will be charged. If the client is 15-20 minutes late the acting manager/lead groomer may choose to reschedule the dog to be able to provide the best possible service for that client, as well for the other clients whose appointments may be impacted by the late client. If we cannot groom the dog because the owner would be too late to show up for the groom there will be a, No Show fee charge of 100% of the service scheduled and will need to be paid prior to rescheduling.
8. No show/No Call Policy: If the client does not show up to their appointment and does not attempt to contact us prior to the start of appointment, and after our attempts to contact client have failed. They will need to be paid prior to booking any future appointments. If a client has a history of no call/no showing. We may choose to require payment of a non-refundable deposit before booking any future appointments.
9. Late Pickup Policy: I will notify at drop off if I am unable to pick up my pet at the scheduled pickup time, and if my pet can calmly and quietly wait in a holding spot, FDM gives clients a 60-minute grace period - after we notified them that their dog is finished being groomed. If my pet has a history of being: stressed, loud or destructive, I understand I must pick up my pet promptly after being notified that my pet is finished. If I fail to pick up within that time frame, a $30 daycare charge will be added onto the client’s total price for the day.
10. After-Hours Pick-Up Policy: Unless alternate arrangements have been made the acting manager will charge any client whose dog is left at the shop after hours a pet sitting fee of $2/per minute late. PLEASE NOTE: if you are the last appointment of the day, we will inform you of closing time as our open hours may range. If your pet is not picked up and we cannot reach the owner, as a last resort FDM has the right to consider your pet abandon and to seek alternate arrangements for your pet including rehome as worst-case scenario. I have read and understand all policies and procedures and I am aware that there are no exceptions.

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